ASSIGNMENT >> 15. Read “Locational Processing Assist.”


One of the easiest assists to render is Locational Processing. A Locational is done by directing a person’s attention off the painful area of his body or his difficulties and out onto the environment.

Say you wanted to render an assist on somebody who had a very indefinite difficulty. That is the hardest one to render an assist on. The person has a pain but he cannot say where. He doesn’t know what has happened to him. He just feels bad. Use Locational Processing as such. You will find out that this process will work when other processes fail.


1. Tell the person you are going to do a Locational Assist and briefly explain the procedure.

2. Tell him the command to be used and ensure he understands it. The command is “Look at that _______ (object).”

3. Point to an object and tell the person, “Look at that _______ (object).”

4. When the person has done so, acknowledge him.

5. Continue giving the command, directing the person’s attention to different objects in the environment. Be sure to acknowledge the person each time after he has complied.

For instance, you say, “Look at that tree.” “Thank you.” “Look at that building.” “Good.” “Look at that street.” “All right.” “Look at that lawn.” “Very good.” You point each time to the object.

6. Keep this up until the person has good indicators and a cognition. You can end the assist at this point. Tell the person, “End of assist.”

A Locational Assist is a very easy assist to deliver. It can be done on specific injuries or when a person is ill or if the person has a very indefinite difficulty. Doing a Locational Assist can help him considerably.

An upset can be addressed with an assist. The woman’s attention is stuck on a recent argument.
Locational Processing directs the person’s attention to things in the environment.
Tell the person, “Look at that _______ (object).” Acknowledge when she has done so.
Continue directing the person’s attention to things in the environment.
Locational Processing can unstick attention from the upset, leaving her more able to solve the problem.

a type of process which helps orient a person and puts him in communication with his environment.
