Admin Scale:short for Administrative Scale, a scale which gives a sequence (and relative seniority) of subjects relating to organization: goals, purposes, policy, plans, programs, projects, orders, ideal scenes, statistics, valuable final products. Each of these must operate in a coordinated manner to achieve success in the intended accomplishment of an envisioned goal. This scale is used to help one align them.
brick made from earth and straw and dried by the sun.
love, liking or any other emotional attitude; the degree of liking. The basic definition of affinity is the consideration of distance, whether good or bad.
be in or come into proper coordination or agreement with something else.
many different kinds of; all sorts of.
a mountain system of eastern North America, nearly parallel with the Atlantic coast, and extending from northern Alabama to the province of Quebec in Canada.
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back on, go:to change one’s mind about something one has agreed or promised to do.
a series of exact doable targets for the coming day or week which forward the strategic planning of an individual or a group.
add strength, numbers, force, etc., to; strengthen.
the written records of money that a business has spent or received.
Boston is the capital city of Massachusetts, located on one of the largest natural harbors on the East Coast of the US. The harbor was used heavily for shipbuilding and related activities during World War II. However, the facilities were allowed to deteriorate in the years immediately following the war, with no major renovations until the final decades of the twentieth century.
chances, opportunities; pieces of good luck; advantages.
an administrative system in which the need or inclination to follow complex procedures impedes effective action.
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clientele:the clients or customers of a professional organization or business, considered as a group.
an interchange of ideas across space between two individuals.
the route along which a communication travels from one person to another.
to face without flinching or avoiding. The ability to confront is actually the ability to be there comfortably and perceive.
a low-ranking officer in various armed forces.
dynamic:an urge to survive along a certain course; an urge toward existence in an area of life. There are eight dynamics: first, self; second, sex and the family unit; third, groups; fourth, Mankind; fifth, life forms; sixth, physical universe; seventh, spirits; and eighth, Supreme Being.
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effect:bring about; accomplish; make happen.
the action or an instance of taking for personal use money or property that has been given on trust by others, without their knowledge or permission.
covering over or overwhelming, as if by overflowing and enclosing something.
five-year plan:any plan for national economic or industrial development specifying goals to be reached within a period of five years.
be a complete failure; fail.
immediately; at once; without delay.
possessing all the qualities or features to be fully or completely developed.
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gradient:a gradual approach to something taken step by step, level by level, each step or level being, of itself, easily attainable—so that finally, complicated and difficult activities can be achieved with relative ease. The term gradient also applies to each of the steps taken in such an approach.
an open-air structure for viewing plays. Greek theaters were built using the shape of a natural hillside. A seating area of stone benches descended down the hill and at the bottom was a round area where the performance took place.
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hanger-on:a person who remains in a place or attaches himself or herself to a group, another person, etc., especially in the hope or expectation of personal gain.
up to this time; until now.
large groups or crowds.
stop working on or let go of (something) suddenly, as quickly as one would let go of an object as unpleasant or potentially dangerous as a freshly made brick, one that has just been baked in a hot oven.
inherent:existing in something as a natural, permanent, essential or characteristic feature or quality.
irreducible means not able to be decreased or made smaller. Minimum means the lowest possible amount or degree of something. The term irreducible minimum means having only the visible item or action and neglecting the earlier contributory items or actions as these are not plainly visible. If one reduced the item or action just one bit more, there would be nothing visible at all.
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maneuver(s):any movement or procedure intended as a skillful step toward some objective, such as one involving military or naval units that are organized to move or change position, etc., in order to be correctly positioned for meeting an enemy force.
all the things that are used or needed in any business, undertaking or operation (distinguished from personnel).
a concisely expressed principle or rule of conduct, or a statement of a general truth.
off the rails:out of the correct, normal or usual condition; not functioning, working or acting correctly. The phrase alludes to a train that has run off the railway tracks and is literally off its rails.
short for organizing board, a board which displays the functions, duties, communication routes, sequences of action and authorities of an organization. It shows the pattern of organizing to obtain a product.
a condition or instance of something being wrong, incorrect or missing.
a military base with a small group of troops, located at a distance from the main body of an army, assigned to guard a particular place or area.
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parliament(s):the national lawmaking body of Great Britain and several other countries. Parliaments are made up of elected and sometimes nonelected representatives.
rails, off the:out of the correct, normal or usual condition; not functioning, working or acting correctly. The phrase alludes to a train that has run off the railway tracks and is literally off its rails.
a permanent military unit usually consisting of several thousand soldiers.
a fee paid to a person in exchange for his services. A retainer is often paid with the understanding that additional payments may be made depending on specific objectives being met.
liable to fall or break down because of being weak; shaky.
moving along as though being carried or supported by something in motion. Riding literally means to sit and be carried along by a horse or other animal or to be carried along as in a car or bicycle.
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Scientology:Scientology is a practical religion dealing with the study of knowledge, which through application of its technology can bring about desirable changes in the conditions of life. It was developed over a third of a century by L. Ron Hubbard. The term Scientology is taken from the Latin word scio (knowing, in the fullest meaning of the word) and the Greek word logos (study of). Scientology is further defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.
the quality or state of being senior, higher in standing or rank.
out of difficulty or trouble.
become stimulated or initiated (of an interest, activity, etc.).
act so as to delay someone or something in order to gain time or some other advantage.
attacking or capturing a place, especially a well-defended one, suddenly and with great force.
technology:the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself. In Scientology, the term technology refers to the methods of application of Scientology principles to improve the functions of the mind and rehabilitate the potentials of the spirit, developed by L. Ron Hubbard.
anything that can receive, relay or send a communication. This term comes from the field of electronics where a terminal is one of two fixed points between which a flow of energy travels. An example of this is a car battery which has two connecting posts (terminals) where energy flows from one post to the other. In Scientology, two people communicating are called terminals because communication flows between them.
moving or transferring something from one subject, area, etc., to another.
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unflanked:(of a body of troops) left open to attack, not protected or defended due to lack of additional defenses on the sides (flanks). The flanks of a body of troops, being a weak point of defense, are often the target of enemy attack.
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virtue:the worth, advantage or beneficial quality of something.
because or as a result of; by reason of.
workaday:belonging to or characteristic of a workday or its occupations; characterized by a regular succession or round of tasks and jobs; of ordinary everyday life.
any of various large public shows at which many different nations display their cultural, industrial, agricultural and scientific products. World’s fairs also present plans for new methods of transportation, architecture, energy systems, etc., through advances in technology.
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