ASSIGNMENT >> 1. Read “Administrative Scale.”


The achievement of one’s goals, no matter how large or small the endeavor, relies on goals, purposes and activities being aligned and organized. 

A goal is not something that one decides upon which then miraculously comes to fruition, just because one decided it would. The attainment of a goal necessitates that certain actions be carried out in the real world which effect some change for the better and a step closer toward its accomplishment.

One can be working toward a goal, but discover that his actions do not yield any forward progress. This occurs not only for an individual in his life, but also for an organization, state or country of any size. This can be a result of the plans, actions and other factors not being aligned to attain the goal. 

There are actually a number of subjects that make up an activity. Each of these must operate in a coordinated manner to achieve success in the intended accomplishment of the envisioned goal. 

A scale has been developed in Scientology which gives a sequence (and relative seniority) of subjects relating to organization. 

A goal is a known objective toward which actions are directed with the purpose of achieving that end.
A purpose is a lesser goal applying to specific activities or subjects. It often expresses future intentions.
Policy consists of the operational rules or guides for the organization which are not subject to change.
A plan is a short-range broad intention thought up for the handling of a broad area to remedy it or expand it, or to obstruct or impede an opposition to expansion.
A program is a series of steps in sequence to carry out a plan.
A project is a sequence of steps written to carry out one step of a program.
An order is a verbal or written direction to carry out a program step or apply general policy.
An ideal scene expresses what a scene or area ought to be. If one has not envisioned an ideal scene with which to compare the existing scene, he will not be able to recognize departures from it.
A statistic is a number or amount compared to an earlier number or amount of the same thing. Statistics refer to the quantity of work done or the value of it.
A valuable final product is a product that can be exchanged for the services or goods of the society.

This scale is worked up and worked down UNTIL IT IS (EACH ITEM) IN FULL AGREEMENT WITH THE REMAINING ITEMS. 

In short, for success, all these items in the scale must agree with all other items in the scale on the same subject. 

Let us take “golf balls” as a subject for the scale. Then all these scale items must be in agreement with one another on the subject of golf balls. It is an interesting exercise. 

The scale also applies in a destructive subject. Like “cockroaches.” 

When an item in the scale is not aligned with the other items, the project will be hindered, if not fail. 

The skill with which all these items in any activity are aligned and gotten into action is called MANAGEMENT. 

Group members only become upset when one or more of these points are not aligned to the rest and at least some group agreement. 

Groups appear slow, inefficient, unhappy, inactive or quarrelsome only when these items are not aligned, made known and coordinated. 

Any activity can be improved by debugging or aligning this scale in relation to the group activity. 

As lack of agreement breeds lessened communication and lessened affinity, it follows that unreal items on the scale (not aligned) produce upsets and disaffection. 

It then follows that when these scale items are well aligned with each other and the group, there will be high agreement, high communication and high affinity in the group. 

Group mores aligned so and followed by the group gives one an ethical group and also establishes what will then be considered as harmful, contrasurvival acts in the group by group members. 

This scale and its parts and ability to line them up are one of the most valuable tools of organization.

bring about; accomplish; make happen.

Scientology is a practical religion dealing with the study of knowledge, which through application of its technology can bring about desirable changes in the conditions of life. It was developed over a third of a century by L. Ron Hubbard. The term Scientology is taken from the Latin word scio (knowing, in the fullest meaning of the word) and the Greek word logos (study of). Scientology is further defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.

the quality or state of being senior, higher in standing or rank.

an interchange of ideas across space between two individuals.

love, liking or any other emotional attitude; the degree of liking. The basic definition of affinity is the consideration of distance, whether good or bad.

be in or come into proper coordination or agreement with something else.

the customs, social behavior and moral values of a particular group.
